von Julián Hernández
Kurzfilm, Romantik-Drama, bi, metro
Produktionsland / Jahr: Mexiko 2010
mit Damayanti Quintanar, Harold Torres, Guillermo Villegas
Drehbuch: Julián Hernández, Ulises Pérez, Sergio Loo; Schnitt: Adriana Martínez; Kamera: Alejandro Cantú; Musik: Arturo Villela Vega; Ton: Omar Juárez Espino; Produzenten: Javier Patrón, Roberto Fiesco
Label/Studio: PRO-FUN MEDIA
Inhalt: Cecilia, Alberto and Felipe live caught in a strange epidemic that has plagued the abandoned the streets of a coast town. Suddenly, an incontrollable desire forces them to leave in search of the sea.
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