von Michael J. Saul
Kurzfilm, Komödie, gay
Produktionsland / Jahr: USA 2010
mit Heath Daniels, Korken Alexander, Matthew Bridges, Iva Turner, Michael Estime, Drew Droege
Drehbuch: Heath Daniels; Produzent: Heath Daniels; Schnitt: Michael J. Saul
Label/Studio: PRO-FUN MEDIA
Inhalt: GO GO REJECT ist auf der DVD LIEB MICH! - Gay Shorts Volume 3 enthalten.
GO GO REJECT is based on writer/actor Heath Daniels' real life tragic attempt to become a Hollywood go-go dancer.
Heavily influenced by his childhood love of "Flashdance" (and his natural talent for showing off) Heath tried his luck at go-go dancing only to be told he was a terrific performer but too skinny to succeed.
Kicked to the go-go curb, Heath used those ego-bruising encounters to create a vibrant, hilarious tale of self-empowerment and dance triumph.
Heath Daniels is an on-camera entertainment host specializing in red carpet, film festival, and pop culture events. His irreverent personality is on full display while exploring a variety of topics including: the underground transsexual/drag queen movement at The Ultra Fabulous/Beyond Drag Film Festival, producing and hosting an investigative segment on the grassroots NO H8 photo campaign, co-hosting an LA travelogue with Candy Spelling for the LA Tourism Board, and hosting the upcoming Indie Quest Film Tournament.
He still wants to be a go-go dancer.
GO GO REJECT played in over 30 national and international film festivals and won multiple Best Short Film awards, including the prestigious Audience Awards at NewFest: The New York LGBT Film Festival and The Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.
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