It’s really just a love story.
von Alain Hain
Kurzfilm, Romantik-Drama, gay
Produktionsland / Jahr: USA 2009
mit Danny Bernardy, Matthew Wilkas, Rebecca Pappa
Drehbuch: Jason Mills; Produzenten: Alain Hain, Jason Mills; Kamera: Tom McWilliam
Label/Studio: PRO-FUN MEDIA
Inhalt: CURIOUS THING ist auf der DVD LIEB MICH! - Gay Shorts Volume 3 enthalten.
Jared is closeted. Sam is straight. They find a connection in each other that neither has man has had before, but where do they go from there? Over the course of three nights, six gay men sat down for interviews with the filmmakers about their experiences, sexual and otherwise, with straight men. Those documentary interviews provide the narration for CURIOUS THING as we watch Jared and Sam form a friendship that tests the boundaries of what they know about love. But as Jared’s walls slowly come down and his passion for Sam grows, things take an unexpected turn. Filmed in New York City over five days, CURIOUS THING captures the freedom that only comes when you confront the thing that terrifies you most. A romance, a coming out story, and a documentary all in one, CURIOUS THING is the first of a three part trilogy examining the lives of gay men in NYC.
- QUEERSICHT Lesbisch-Schwules Filmfestival Bern (10.-16.11.2011)
- PERLEN Queer Filmfest Hannover (16.-22.10.2011)
- Bester Kurzfilm - PALM BEACH INTERNATIONAL 2009
- Bester Kurzfilm - NEWFEST 2010
- Bester Kurzfilm - ATLANTA Filmfestival
- OUTFEST 2010,
- Miami Short Filmfestival,
- REELING 28 - Chicago,
- Filmstock 11
- OUTrageous
- Big Apple - Filmfestival
- Chicago REEL Shorts Filmfestival
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